08 7081 4184

Suite 1/22 Greenhill Rd, Wayville SA 5034, Australia

What is the difference between estate planning and writing a will?

Estate Planning is a fully considered approach to planning for incapacity and death and involves considering asset structures, how they are currently held, how they might better be held in order to generate the best outcome through death. Often Estate Planning will involve altering what assets are inside an Estate to help reduce the risk of a challenge to the will maker’s estate. For instance, using a joint tenancy or a tenancy in common to hold your house may have better or worse outcomes in certain situations depending on the risks you are trying to minimise and the objectives you are trying to achieve.


I would like to start a will

So you’ve decided to start a will. Wise move. We can help you get started. Please complete the form below noting that all fields are required. We will then email you a Will pack which includes a form that we would like you to complete as fully as possible.